It’s with the greatest of excitement and pleasure we share that following our Ofsted inspection on 27th August 2015 we have officially been graded Outstanding. In all areas.

Less than 10% of all early years settings in the UK hold the prestigious Outstanding award and as such we are absolutely delighted to see that all the hard work our dedicated team put into the care, learning and education of our babies every single day has been recognised by our most important governing body.

Some of the lovely comments in our report include:

“Children flourish during their time at nursery.”

“The quality of teaching is exceptionally strong.”

“Staff have an expert knowledge of children’s abilities and next steps in their learning.”

“Robust monitoring of assessment, both for individuals and groups of children, ensures children receive the relevant help and support they need if required.”

“Children make very good progress because skilled staff have a secure knowledge and understanding of how young children learn and are passionate and committed to their role.”

“Superb arrangements to care for children support their well-being.”

“Exceptional support is offered for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities as staff work closely with multiagency workers and adults excel at meeting their specific needs.”

“Inspirational leadership has resulted in a strong commitment to continuous improvement.”

Please feel free to read our full report which is available online at